JoyDew’s expanded Livingston location is now open and accepting new members and staff! Please contact us if you are interested in applying.

A day program for adults with autism that presumes competence, focuses on strengths and provides job training, social life and employment.



Key Impact Indicators

JoyDew’s Impact Indicators cover three key areas in alignment with our mission: 1) Quality of Life for members and their families, 2) Actual high-value employment, and 3) Community-based measurements, such as Friends, Self-worth, and Hope. Our social Impact is best described by those experiencing it; therefore, stories tell us more than spreadsheets.

Because we are always innovating, measurement is just the start, not the end. However, rigorous, and reliable reporting to our investors, stakeholders, and the public is important for our mission accountability. See below on learning and reporting impact.

Results-based Outcome Indicators

Outcome Indicators measure where the operations are lagging, shifting, and leading to help determine current performance and predict the likelihood of achieving our expected results. In alignment with our mission and Theory of Change, our expected outcomes and current results are outlined below:

Increase Quality of Life (QoL) for Members and Families/Guardians

JoyDew’s expected outcomes in QoL for its members and parents/guardians are measured using unique baseline data that reflects the real-life experiences of the people we work with, knowing what they suffer from and what they value. We expect to expand these measurements by the end of 2022 with the use of a new Quality of Life survey tool.


Self-Expression / Communication

     Goal: 80% of members able to expressively communicate within 1 year of joining.

        Baseline: 50% of members joined with no or minimal communication.

             Current results: 100% of members are communicating expressively.

Improved Sense of Belonging / Friends / Community of their own

     Goal: 80% of members choosing to socially communicate with other members inside, and outside of class.

        Baseline: 10% of members joined with no or minimal regular communication with friends.

           Current results: 100% of members are communicating inside class.

Program Attendance

     Goal: 90% of members attend 5 days/week

        Baseline: N/A

           Current results: 95% of members attend 5 days/week.

Participation in Class

      Goal: 70% of members participating in class

         Baseline: 40% (8) of new members participate in all classes.

            Current results: 90% (18) of members are participating in all classes.

Engagement in classes

      Goal: 60% of members engaging in the class

         Baseline: 20% (4) of new members engaged in classes.

             Current results: 85% (17) of members engaged in all classes, 75% in learning time.

Member Employee Retention Rate

      Goal: 75% retention

         Baseline: N/A

Current results: 90% retention

  • Parents and Guardians

Examples of Quality-of-Life metrics that gauge the wellbeing of parents and guardians and will be included in the new survey tool include:

Decrease in personal stress about the future

Perceived happiness/satisfaction/self-esteem of autistic adult

Engagement of family

# of hours of free time per day on average

% of family/support team desiring to work employed

# of meltdowns at home

Member contributing financially (if allowed)



Goal: 80% of members will be certified as employable in one or more service areas within 24 months from their start date, or after they finish their job training as measured by JoyDew employment readiness process, and 61% of members employed after 12 months.

Baseline: 0% of members certified, 0% employed

Current results: 89% of members certified, 89% “employed” (currently all projects closed are pilots and therefore not payable). 100% of those did so within 12 months of joining the program.

Employment-based skills (MS Office, Search tools etc.)

      Goal: 60% of members have mastered the basic skills within 6 months of joining.

         Baseline: 10% of members have the basic skills.

              Current results: 95% members have mastered the basic skills.

Teamwork / Problem-solving

       Goal: 60% of members working in teams within 6 months of joining.

           Baseline: 5% of new members had Teamwork/Problem solving knowledge.

               Current results: 100% of members are working in teams.

Business Social Skills

       Goal: 80% of members have basic business social skills

          Baseline: 5% of new members had basic business social skills.

            Current results: 95% of members increased business social skills by 4x.

Job Exploration and Job-Training

      Goal: 50% of members exposed or trained in high-level jobs.

         Baseline: 0% of new members exposed or trained in high-level jobs.

            Current results: 100% of members exposed and trained in high-level jobs.

Employer Client Access to Autistic Super-Powers

The value for employers is measured in the quality of deliverables and the type of work delivered, such as:

# of companies working with JoyDew members

% of projects meeting or exceeding project-specific goals

% of companies getting 3rd party coverage (social aura/image)