JoyDew’s expanded Livingston location is now open and accepting new members and staff! Please contact us if you are interested in applying.

A day program for adults with autism that presumes competence, focuses on strengths and provides job training, social life and employment.

Employment Readiness

Oftentimes people with autism did not thrive in a school environment due to their communication and other differences. In some cases, they were put in special education or other classes that focused on trying to modify their behavior to fit in the neurotypical world, and less on academics. In almost all cases, they have had very little training in basic business skills and tools.

For them to be employment ready, JoyDew may need to help the person “catch up” in different areas such as:

Continuing Ed/ Business Orientation:
  • Computer and Technology skills (Microsoft Office, Google Office, etc.)
  • Business Social Skills, Teamwork, and Community and Team Building
Academic Enrichment:
  • Science, Humanities, Math, History
  • Literature, Reading and Writing Poetry, Creative Writing, Blogging, Social Media
  • Art, Music, Book Club

These classes are not restricted. Members are allowed to choose how they want to spend their day and sometimes they might choose to sit in on a class just because they find the subject interesting, not because it is required.


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