Autism Friendly

A major component to the JoyDew philosophy is that we must be “autism-friendly” in everything that we do.
The first step is to create the right environment. This includes the physical space, tools and flexibility to work when and how they want.
The physical space is designed to not be over-stimulating in terms of color scheme, bright/flickering lights, loud/annoying sounds, etc. There is a special quiet “hug” room with soft furniture and low lighting where members can retreat when they feel anxious.

High speed internet, job related equipment (ex: radiology imaging equipment, tools for robotics, etc.), tools for managing sensory sensitivity (such as noise-cancelling headsets) and communication tools like iPads with chat tools are used so that non-speaking members are included in the conversation.
It is also important to be as flexible as possible to allow members to work on the jobs they like, at the times that work best for them. They also often prefer to work in teams.
JoyDew staffs each location with autism experts who are experienced job trainers and coaches and have subject matter expertise in the fields of interest to our members. They are skilled in facilitated communication and other methods to educate, train and support the members as they are working. While working in the office is preferred, JoyDew also operates hybrid.

Finally, the members develop a community of their own where they feel supported emotionally, in their work and by their team members. They develop true, long-lasting friendships, often for the first time in their lives.
Since traditional business environments don’t yet make accommodations for neurodiverse employees, JoyDew’s autism-friendly locations allow members to be more relaxed and productive, and companies are able to tap into their “Autism Genius” without having to make drastic alterations to their own environments to accommodate the members’ social and sensory differences.