JoyDew’s expanded Livingston location is now open and accepting new members and staff! Please contact us if you are interested in applying.

A day program for adults with autism that presumes competence, focuses on strengths and provides job training, social life and employment.

Community of Their Own

JoyDew believes that the reason only 4% of adults on the spectrum are employed in full-time, long-term work is because companies require them to work in a “neurotypical environment”. This requires them to conform to social norms and physical spaces which do not accommodate people who have sensory sensitivities, stimming behavior, and communication differences.

JoyDew believes that everyone should feel comfortable in their environment, which includes having a flexible space for learning and working, staff and equipment to support their needs, and most of all FRIENDS.


Did you know only 4% of adults on the spectrum are employed in full-time, long-term work?

Since traditional business environments don’t yet make accommodations for neurodiverse employees, JoyDew first offers:

    • An autism-friendly space
    • Staffed with highly trained job-trainers skilled in facilitated communication to educate, train and support the members as they are working.

By removing the requirement to work in a neurotypical environment, the members are more relaxed and productive, and companies are able to tap into their “Autism Genius” without having to make drastic alterations to their own environments to accommodate the members’ social and sensory barriers.


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