Career Exploration
As part of the career planning process, members not only discover what they are good at, but what they find interesting. Regular exposure to different types of work is critical to this endeavor.

When most people think of career planning, the first thing they think about is writing a resume. While this is important, there are steps that can be taken prior that help members understand for themselves their history, interests and experience.
JoyDew members also participate in field trips to various workplaces, companies, and professional offices to learn about different career paths. This helps members to understand the ins and outs of how businesses operate, and members have the chance to ask questions and learn more about different careers paths.

As new employment contracts are signed, members with appropriate skills are encouraged to work on the projects. They may have opportunities to work on different parts of the project to experience a variety of roles.
Whether it is learning about sports data analytics and the Red Bulls Stadium, or diagnostic imaging opportunities, or how to run a bookstore, members are continuously exposed to interesting jobs to help them expand their thinking about their own career path.