Autism Friendly Environment
JoyDew’s approach is first to create an autism-friendly environment for members, wherever they are on the spectrum. This includes the physical space, tools and staff.
JoyDew is a place where adults on all parts of the spectrum flourish. Our unique, government-approved day program’s autism-friendly environment provides a safe place where they can learn, grow and work in a community of their own, improving the quality of their and their families’ lives, and unleashing their hopes and dreams.
The one thing that is common for all JoyDew members is they are all happy, successful and have real friends, often for the first time in their lives. They also have parents/guardians who love, believe in and support them.

“…sitting down for the initial interview, I never thought we would be here a year later. Never. She’s doing so many things that I never thought she would be able to do…
…they are very capable. They just need the right avenue to be able to express that, and then once they have that opened up and they know that they are being heard, or they know that they are being seen, it gives them the confidence to keep on going and learning more and improving…”
– Monifa Boyd, parent of adult with autism
Each member’s journey is different. Some people come to us never having spoken a word in their life, some had struggled academically and/or socially, some had “passed” as neurotypical, only to fail in the workplace. Therefore, JoyDew tailors a custom program for each member.
Welcoming all parts of the SPECTRUM
- Speaking or non-speaking
- Graduates and dropouts
- Experienced or never worked
- Stimmers
- Sensory sensitive
- Requiring personal support
Our approach is to first ensure members have the communication tools, support and encouragement required to express themselves. We then identify their unique strengths and interests, develop them with job training and academic enrichment, help them develop a career plan, and when they are ready, provide them with high-level employment.

JoyDew is an approved Medicaid service provider and is licensed by the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). Our services include:
Day Habilitation
Prevocational Training
Career Planning
Community Based Supports (Supports Program)
Community Inclusion Services
Interpreter Services
Supported Employment -Individual
Supported Employment – Small Group
Transportation (limited)
People with autism have unique strengths. Many also have communication differences, sensory sensitivities and support needs that make it challenging for them to operate at their best in a “neurotypical” environment.
In many cases, they haven’t been able to expressively communicate their whole life, so even their own families don’t know what gifts they have locked inside.
Instead of trying to “force-fit” them into an uncomfortable office setting, JoyDew creates an autism-friendly space designed to allow them to learn, work and develop friendships. We staff it with highly trained educators, trainers and coaches to support the members throughout the day. By removing the requirement to work in a neurotypical environment, the members are more relaxed and productive.
Depending on their level of employment readiness, all or part of the member’s daily schedule may be spent “catching up” on academic requirements or continuing education and basic business curriculum.
Once the member has had extensive training in a wide range of subjects and refined their skills, they can begin exploring their skill tree and applying it to different job areas. Throughout this process, JoyDew continues to collect data through observation, surveys, and discussion, evolving a plan that grows with each learner.
Continuing Ed/ Business Orientation:
- Computer and Technology skills (Microsoft Office, Google Office, etc.)
- Business Social Skills, Teamwork, and Community and Team Building
Academic Enrichment:
- Science, Humanities, Math, History
- Literature, Reading and Writing Poetry, Creative Writing, Book Club, Blogging
- Art, Music, Book Club, Creative Writing

Career Planning at JoyDew starts with a strengths assessment to determine the gifts and interests of the individual. A personalized plan is then created that defines the continuing education, business orientation and proposed skill trees and jobs to explore. As members take classes to increase their skills and are employed in different areas the plan is continuously adjusted.
JoyDew trains members in basic business skills including how to use common software such as Microsoft Office, business communication and etiquette, and other competences critical to any 21st century job.
Once initial career areas of interest are selected, more job-specific training is provided to build skills for those positions.
Most Popular Job Training fields:
- Medical Imaging
- Robotics
- Multi-Media
- Pattern Recognition
- Cyber Security
- Big Data Analytics
Once trained, the individual is then able to be employed by JoyDew if they desire. Employees may pursue a career of their choice within the professions we offer based on contracts JoyDew manages with the marketplace and can change their path at any time.

The work is done at a JoyDew employment location adjacent to their day program, with a specially designed environment that is friendly and supportive. Our organization provides support services to the employees to keep them productive and focused on the job.